My Brain on Blogging 201

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Actually Blogging 201 has sorta been kicking my ass.  Blogging 101?  Loved it, got it, got a lot from it.  Blogging 201 has a larger scope, bigger ideas and it is frankly making my brain hurt.  Writing is all I want to do, and of course I want people to read.  But examining my stats?  Social media expansion?  All that stuff makes me a little, well, nervous I guess.  Can’t I just write, I find myself asking?  Isn’t that enough?

You already know the answer.  It’s not.  We all want others to read our work and there are things we have to do to get ourselves going.  It’s about knowing ourselves and what it is that we have to do in order to get what we want.

Which of course, leads me back to my favorite subject, and of course my favorite organ!  My brain.  I know my brain well enough to know that I resolutely go after my goals if I have the steps in mind.  It’s not what my brain wants to do.  My brain wants to write, read, assign ideas to categories, etc.  It does not want to do hard work and things it thinks it’s not good at.  But that’s only my frontal lobe.  My limbic system, the area that processes emotions, knows that it will FEEL SO GOOD to get my work out there, and that’s what all this business is about.  Like the quote from Charles Swindoll:

“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”

On that note, off to read some of your fabulous blogs, and of course, get my brain to come along for the ride.


Thanks Lost Girl Blog for goal #2


19 thoughts on “My Brain on Blogging 201

  1. Loved this post. I’m also in the Blogging 101 Loved it Blogging 201 Kickin’ My Ass! boat.

    In fact, I totally skipped this exercise about setting goals. My brain put the brakes on that one as soon as I read it. But reading your post, seeing your goals in beautiful handwritten scrawl, you’ve inspired me to go back and do this exercise. Might not get done tonight (seeing as I just finished the BEST OF assignment only to see that Michelle has already posted the Event assignment. I just cannot keep up with the pace! Today was my day off work and I literally spent all day and got how many assignments accomplished? ONE. That’s right, one!

    Maybe in the future instead of a new huge assignment every day, they’ll do it every other day to give us more time to actually do the assignment. Delving into social networks… yeah, I need lots of help on that one. I’m trying to figure out twitter because I believe that it is the main one to focus on (as the other three I publicize to seem to do nothing to raise my stats) but twitter is so foreign to me. I just wish I’d have several days to delve into it before feeling like OMG events, now I’ve got to think about events!

    Very overwhelming. Exciting to know how much we are going to learn, but the pace… can’t we through a little molasses in and slow down a bit? I work full-time on the weekends so that doesn’t allow me to get caught up. Obviously, when this course is finished, I’m going to have to take it again. And that’s okay, I will do it, because there is SO MUCH to learn!

    Okay, this “comment” turned into a rant… therefore it must be a blog post! HA HA HA… funny how that happened. Anyway, yes, LOST GIRL, I loved your quote too…. I see a future posting from that little bit of inspiration too!

    Thanks ladies,

    ☀ Memee


    • I feel the same way…Slow down!! But Blogging 101 felt very manageable. I know, I spent all day yesterday on my day off doing my Facebook page and I STILL don’t know if I am going to use it. I am ready to learn about blog events, stats, etc. but I will probably be like you and take the class again. Not enough time with working, parenting to get it all done. Thanks for the validation!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sure, Jeanne. I ended up calling Migraine (it’s more third day and simply cannot drive to all my appointments for the day) am currently working on my post re social networking. Because, as you saw, I’ve included twitter in my event. Clever, huh, covered two with one! Now just to get my post written and posted and wah-lah, done!

        Still learning that twitter stuff, I can see that taking years to figure out at my age!


  2. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”
    That is pretty true, but the secret lies where 100% of it can be boosted by writing it and reading what you yourself write and what others comment about it.


  3. I took Blogging 101, took a break and went to Writing 201:Poetry which has kicked my ass. I have had to rely upon Poetic Disobedience to get through it all. Two assignments left to the hardest two week workshop ever. It’s easier to pound metal with a hammer 8 hours a day for seven days straight. I made my brain do things I don’t usually do. I believe they say Neural plasticity is good for us as we age. I’m not saying you’re old- I’m old and aging greyfully. Good article about knowing your brain. And I like the quote at the end.


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