The Agony of a Story Untold

Sometimes we don’t tell because we are ashamed.

We think if we don’t tell it will go away.

It doesn’t.


Sometimes we don’t tell because it’s too scary to say it out loud.

We worry others will judge us.

They won’t.


Sometimes we think we can occupy ourselves with other things.

We think it will distract us.

It works briefly.


Sometimes we witness the pen telling it to the paper.

We hope it will lighten the burden.

And it does.

9 thoughts on “The Agony of a Story Untold

  1. Thanks. Your poem is short and straightforward but meant a lot for me. Sometimes I withhold telling a story because I fear people will laugh at my sadness and their laugh will make me more pathetic. But your poem sums up why stories should not left untold.


  2. Pingback: Dear Classmates, | unanimuse

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